Tuesday, January 10, 2017

India Pre-trip

To be honest, I’m not a big fan of blogs.  I'm not sure that what I have to share is so important that other people really have to take time out of their day to read what I'm thinking or going through at the moment.  Yet, here I am typing at my desk a blog for you to read.  So it raises a question: why do it?

Well the reason that I put together this blog is because 12 members from BSLC will be leaving for India on January 17th.  We are heading over there primarily because we want to see and experience what God is doing over there.  We want to see how God is working through the lives of the people over in India, specifically in the region surrounding Guntur.  We'll be doing this by visiting several of the congregations that belong to Bible Faith Lutheran Ministries to India (I'll share more about them in future posts). We will be spending time in these congregations sharing our story and what God is doing here while listening to how God is working in their lives.  We will be spending time in their homes with their families encouraging one other and building one another up.  And over the course of the trip, I hope to share the stories we hear and the images we see so that you too can see how God is at work in India and maybe help you see how God is working in your life as well.

And, if you think about it, this really gets to the heart of the question of "why do it?”  Because even though what I think or do may not be very important, what God is doing is extremely important and is worth sharing.  I hope these blog entries for the trip serve that purpose as you share in the experiences of India, but also share in the experiences of a God who loves us in Christ no matter where we are globally or personally.

The next post will be on January 15th.

Pastor Joe Behnke